
Monday, December 28, 2015

End of the Year - DeClutter for 2016

2015 is coming to a fast close.  The New Year will soon be here. Before the year ends take a realistic look at all of the new things that you acquired over the holidays. I'm sure that you probably have duplicates of things that you already have. Newer, of course - but duplicates.

Before year end - go through some of your gifts and decide if it's not time to "release" your old things. 

If you received some new clothes - go through your closet and decide what you can get rid of.  Anything that is too small, doesn't fit properly, you never actually wore....  

Be realistic - unless you have tons of extra closet space that you have never filled up - something has to give!

Get rid of your old sweaters or shirts that you rarely ever wear.

Get rid of books and movies that you have finished.

Get rid of anything that you have not used in the last six months.

Someone out there can probably use it - so - donate it!

By making more room in your closet  you are actually taking better care of your clothes. They are not so cramped. They will hang better and you will actually be able to see them - thus - you might actually wear them.

Start 2016 off by being ORGANIZED!

One small step at a time....

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry you and yours....

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with joy and happiness.

From our family to yours.....

Organizational Consulting Services

Monday, November 16, 2015

Getting Out of Your Door in the Morning

There are a lot of people that are just not morning people. They can't seem to get out of the house on time. They run around looking for their keys and purse / briefcase / backpack.....  They forget their lunch.

It's a problem that many people have - every morning. Yet - there is a simple solution!

GET ORGANIZED - the night before!

I know - it sounds logical and you've tried it - for one day.

Being organized is about staying organized - which is about getting organized.

Remember what I've said in the past - "a new habit takes about 90 days to learn and become your own".

Make time every night to get yourself organized for the next day.

Pick out what you are going to wear and set out your clothes for the next day.

Put your keys and wallet (or purse / briefcase / backpack) next to the door.

Have your lunch packed and ready to go. Leave yourself a note on your purse (or by your keys....) to remind yourself to take your lunch out of the refrigerator.

Set up your coffee maker so that it's all ready to go in the morning and you just have to hit the button.

Set your alarm - and set it for an extra 10 or 15 minutes early - so that you can have a more relaxing morning. By giving yourself some extra time and having everything ready to go - you will cut down on your stress level.

Go ahead....  try it for a while - and see if you aren't in a better mood and on time for work!

Have a great and organized week!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Start the Holiday Season - by Decluttering Now

This year has gone unbelievably fast! The holidays will soon be here - and that means more "stuff" everywhere, the stress of deciding what to buy everyone and also deciding where to fit everything.

So - take a step back - breathe - and start making room now.  That means decluttering your closet and house of things that you really don't want anymore. Things that you have grown tired of.  Things that no longer fit into your decor ....or mood.

Let's be honest - you know that you will get more "stuff" for the holidays.  So start making room now.

Go through your closet and pull out anything that does not fit anymore (be honest with yourself). Pull out anything that is out of style or worn out.

Do the same with the kids and each person in your house.

Then start on the kids toys. I'm sure that since last Christmas they have outgrown a few toys!  Pack them up and donate them to someone that can really enjoy them. Be sure to make your kids a part of the process.  It's never to early to teach them about donating and sharing their things with people that can really use them. A great lesson to learn early in life!

Now step back and take a look at your living room. Are there any decorations, nick-nacks - that you no longer enjoy?  Then pack them up.  Your home should be "your" home - not someone else's. If you don't like something - pack it up. 

Start decluttering now - before the mad rush of the holiday season really kicks in. By doing so you will save yourself a lot of stress and you will have accomplished something.

As the holiday season gets closer - please remember that everyone has their own tastes.  Don't buy gifts because you like them - but rather because you know the other person will really enjoy (or need) it.

By starting now - and doing a little bit at a time - you can avoid (or lessen) the stress that accompanies the holiday season.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

Organizational Consulting Services